Bra over Jumper - My Mum has Alzheimer`s
- Herausgeber : Marion Birkenbeil; 1. Edition (6. November 2023)
- Sprache : Englisch
- Dateigröße : 604 KB
- Text-to-Speech (Vorlesemodus) : Aktiviert
- Screenreader : Unterstützt
- Verbesserter Schriftsatz : Aktiviert
- X-Ray : Nicht aktiviert
- Word Wise : Aktiviert
- Haftnotizen : Auf Kindle Scribe
- Seitenzahl der Print-Ausgabe : 284 Seiten
Michael, 47 years of age, is living on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, in a beautiful part of Australia. However, his life is not always cheerful. After fifteen years of marriage, his wife Tina wants to split up and stay in their house. Fortunately, he finds a small rental property and keeps the company of his beloved dog. But he becomes increasingly worried about his mother in Brisbane, since she suffers from Alzheimer’s disease. One day she almost starts a kitchen fire by accident. What should he do? He and his brother have to find a solution, and fast!
Just when Michael thinks he has everything under control, a mysterious murder happens nearby. Someone finds a half-naked, lifeless woman in a park in Coolum Beach. Who killed her, and why? Michael is horrified, as Tina is living in this normally peaceful seaside town. It turns out that the murdered woman was a nurse named Maureen. But many months pass by without any hints about the culprit and his motive. Maureen’s sister and her parents are inconsolable.
Michael and Tina can’t forget the gruesome deed either, and Tina is more anxious than ever before. And then an acquaintance of them disappears without a trace.
Meanwhile, Michael’s mother no longer recognises her own sons …